Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Joy of Networking

Like most people in the wedding industry, the thought of networking lists between a trip to the DMV and having a prostate exam. It is one of those necessary evils we must do to keep working. It makes me feel like the wall flower at the school dance. Yes, you know the one, the girl in the potato sack dress that could be pretty if she did something with her hair and had some confidence. Well anyway, I am here to announce I have found the secret formula. Write this down! One 5 Hour energy drink, One Captain and Coke and 4 hours of sleep that night = Networking Magic. I believe this to be so until I get those Facebook updates asking what the hell happened to Sky. Any hooh, I actually had a good time at this gig. Saw my usual mix of Wedding Friends and Evil Doers. Met some cool new contacts. That's it. I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget your Flip-Book appearance too!
